
Showing posts from March, 2023

Resident Evil 4 Remake: A Genre Defining Remake [UPDATED 4/7/2023]

The Middleman's Opinion Presents: Resident Evil 4 Remake: A Genre Defining Remake What Actually Makes A Remake A Remake? I find myself asking this question when I'm buying a remake for a game I've greatly enjoyed for years. What actually is a remake? Is it the idea of essentially making the same exact game but from scratch with new textures,models,etc? or is it actually rebuilding the world? Resident Evil 4 Remake is a game I held high expectations for after seeing how not so great Resident Evil 3's remake was handled. Especially considering that Resident Evil 2 Remake was a damn near masterpiece that truly modernized it's predecessor for a newer more action focused audience whilst keeping the survival horror elements. Personally I believe a remake should have two major things that makes it a remake. It must fully recreate the world whilst maintaining the same atmosphere, or furthermore expanding upon the original vision whilst recreating the concepts for